February Flexibility Challenge

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February Flexibility Challenge! 

The February Flexibility Challenge is designed to help runners of all levels improve their flexibility, enhance range of motion, and recover more effectively. Over the course of 4 weeks, you'll be guided through daily 5-10 minute stretching and mobility routines, targeting key areas like your hips, quads, hamstrings, and shoulders. 

By committing to just a few minutes each day, you'll see improvements in your flexibility, running form, and overall performance.

How: If you’re a Motivated In Motion client, this challenge can seamlessly integrate into your training plan. Not a client yet? No worries! You'll receive a detailed calendar via email to guide you through the challenge.

Cost: $5 eTransfer to motivated.in.motion@gmail.com to participate.

In Canada

$5 eTransfer to motivated.in.motion@gmail.com to participate.

Outside Canada

What's Included

Why Participate

Sign up today and take the first step toward becoming a more flexible, stronger, and injury-free runner. 

Let’s stretch towards your goals—together!

Motivated In Motion Run Coaching